Memorising aliases is slightly less hard. Should I use ctrl+C instead? I can't remember if that closes the foreground process or kills the actual service. wait, that's not working for some reason. I guess when I want to reclaim the terminal realestate I can do ctrl+P,Q, but. I could alternatively run docker-compose up myservice and in that terminal window if the service is down I could just up it again, but now I've got one service hogging a terminal window even after I no longer care about its logs.

I could get the logs for just that one service with docker compose logs -follow myservice but that dies everytime the service dies so I'd need to run that command every time I restart the service. I probably would have known that if I was reading the log stream, but there is a lot of clutter in there from other services. Right so the service must have just stopped immediately after starting. No issue, I'll just restart it: docker-compose restart. Yep, it's that microservice that's still buggy. Minor rant incoming: Something's not working? Maybe a service is down. If you'd like to sponsor this project and have your avatar or company logo appear below click here. Maintainence of this project is made possible by all the contributors and sponsors. Raspberry and Blackberry Production Guide for the Northeast, Midwest, and Eastern Canada (fair-use free download see a web pdf here.A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose, written in Go with the gocui library.What’s New in Caneberries – A Review of Recent Releases (2022) Newly added.Variety Recommendations for the Southeast (NCSU).Information about Arkansas Blackberry Varieties (U of Arkansas).Nursery Guide for Berry Crops (Cornell).2022-2023 Caneberry Nursery List Our annual list of member nurseries and what they offer, published each fall.Please contact NARBA if you would like to suggest additional or updated resources to include or if the links given have failed. Recommendations for one region may not be appropriate for another. Variety recommendations in older publications may be out-of-date.